Friday, 14 March 2025 – 21:28

Political Education Hub

Politics impacts each and every one of us, but it isn’t always easy to understand how it works or how we can all make our mark. 

The Speaker’s Political Education Hub is here to help make politics understandable and accessible for everyone through free explainers and guides, links to opportunities and chances to engage with key personalities in politics, media and activism.

Home to our Politics Guides Live Sessions Opportunities Writing Guides

Welcome to The Speaker's Political Education Hub

The Speaker is an impartial media non-profit on a mission to inspire the next generation in politics. Made by young people, for young people, we deliver accessible and explanatory political coverage in an age where politics has never been more important. Through our Political Education Hub, we work with education institutions and societies to freely bring inspiration, knowledge and opportunities to more young people across the UK and beyond.

What would you like to explore?

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Political Gudies

Check out our collection of guides on how politics works in the UK, US and a range of countries and institutions around the world.

Skills Guides

From political writing to debating and campaigning, check out our guides with tips and tricks on getting involved in politics and social action.


Check out some of the latest opportunities to get involved in politics and social action, and sign up to email updates.

Key Voices

Check out our content with key voices in politics and activism, including past interviews and upcoming live events.

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