Wednesday, 12 March 2025 – 20:49

Why Should I Get Involved And Vote?

Voting in any election is important – it’s your chance to have your say on the future of politics, and more importantly, to have a say on the issues that matter to and impact you.

However, one could argue that voting in this election is especially important, given the surrounding political circumstances.

Many will see this election as their chance to have another say on Brexit – perhaps by supporting a party arguing for a particular action on Brexit, such as stopping it altogether or going for a no-deal exit. With the Brexit crisis constantly in the media, the topic of leaving the European Union will likely be high on the list of many voters when choosing who to vote for in the upcoming election.

But having a say on Brexit is by no means the only reason to go out and cast your vote.

Other issues are equally, if not more important than Brexit – such as the Climate Emergency, NHS Funding, Transport and Education. Parties will put forward policies on all different topics in their manifestos, which we’ll link to through our Election Centre.

Some people may feel that voting is not important or that you cannot make a difference on your own – this is not true and we’ve outlined some answers to some common queries below. In the 2017 election, results in some constituency seats came down to a very small number of votes and this election could prove to be similar.


What’s The Point In Voting, It Doesn’t Impact Me?

The decisions made at this election will shape decisions made by the next government and Parliament, which will ultimately impact us at some stage. Whether it’s changes to education or transport, increased taxation or changes to the NHS, politics impacts us all and decisions on items such as Brexit could see us impacted even more.

Decisions will not only impact us – they’ll impact the next generation. By voting for someone to represent your voice in Parliament, you can influence positive change both locally and in the wider community and country.


I’m Not Interested Though?

Ok, we get it, politics can get pretty dull sometimes. But voting in an election shouldn’t be. Voting to elect an MP means that the MP will work through ‘boring’ legislation on your behalf.


It’s Too Confusing?

Politics can be confusing, but here at The Speaker, we’re committed to providing understandable and impartial content for the wider public. We won’t tell you who to vote for, but we will provide resources and information guides about the election, how to vote, and what each party and candidates stand for. If you’re still confused, just tweet us @speakerpolitics and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.


I Don’t Know Who To Vote For?

If you’re struggling to work out who to for, try looking through some of the resources in our Election Centre (other websites are available). Try to find out what the parties and candidates stand for in advance of heading to the polling station, so you don’t just put a cross next to the box with the nicest logo.


Finally, if you don’t vote, you can’t really complain if something doesn’t go your way. Elections in the UK are meant to take place every five years – while recently there have been more frequent elections, five years could seem a long time if a government is elected that you do not want. Of course, not everyone will get what they want, but having your say is a key part of democracy.

Some people will publicly campaign for others to vote for another party, some will just vote and not announce it – either is fine, but try not to be unfairly influenced by others.

This general election is your chance to have your say on a wide range of issues and elect people to represent your voice – remember to register to vote, and then head to the polling station between 7am and 10pm on Thursday 12 December 2019.

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