Tuesday, 11 March 2025 – 01:27

Theresa May Hopes To Get Brexit Deal Signed As She Arrives In Brussels

Donald Tusk, the European Council President has delivered his recommendation to the EU, to approve the Brexit deal at tomorrow’s summit.

After multiple discrepancies with Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez, the UK government has given Spain assurances over the governance of Gibraltar and the future of British territory, hence Spain has dropped the threat to boycott the summit

Theresa May has headed into talks today, ahead of the summit and looks to walk out of Brussels with a signed Brexit deal.

Boris Johnson has delivered his verdict on Theresa Mays deal as damning, saying the UK would be no more than a “satellite state” if the EU were to accept the revised Brexit deal.

Johnson has criticised May’s leadership since the announcement and failure of her Chequer’s plan.

Following the negotiations since June 2016, the UK will leave the EU on March 29th 2019, with only 51.9% of the public behind the move.

Will the UK leaving the EU adversely affect the British pound and investment in the UK? Or will the new opportunities to invest in what could be a growing market for industry invite new investment into the UK?

The new deal, even if agreed by the EU Brexit Council, would still have to be passed by UK parliament. With the rallying support behind Boris Johnson, MP’s have been more vocal with their grievances. 

Mr Tusk has recommended “that we approve on Sunday the outcome of the Brexit negotiations” in a letter to members of the European Council, adding: “No-one has reasons to be happy. But at least at this critical time, the EU 27 has passed the test of unity and solidarity.”


A vote is expected in December. Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the SNP and the DUP have all said they will vote against the government’s deal, as well as many Conservatives.

How likely is it the UK will come out of Brexit with a deal?


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