EU sources have stated that the Prime Minister’s Brexit proposal is unacceptable and unrealistic.
Theresa May has drafted a Brexit plan which has been dismissed by senior EU officials for being unrealistic and for undermining the EU’s principles.
A discussion will be held between Theresa May and her ministers ion Friday where the UK will finally plan its future relations with the EU.
The prime minister’s white paper is expected to maintain the UK’s single market membership within the EU in order to avoid certain implications on Ireland’s border. However, it has been said that the UK insists on restricting the free movement of people whilst still remaining in the single market.
Ex-head of the EU council’s legal service, Jean-Claude Piris stated that the EU’s underpinning and founding principles would be violated if the free movement of people was to be restricted to the UK.
He stated that this would cause the splitting of the “four freedoms” of the EU which are the free movement of service, people, goods and capital.
“If you fudge the internal market by allowing a third state to choose what they want … it is the beginning of the end.” Said Piris.
On the other side of the situation, a UK government source has stated that instead of “… getting hot under the collar over unfounded media speculation, we’d suggest a better approach would be to wait for the white paper to be published before responding to it.”