Monday, 10 March 2025 – 14:07

Sajid Javid demanding tech companies tackle child abuse

Home Secretary Sajid Javid has issued a warning to tech companies, stating that he ‘will not be afraid to take action’ should they fail to help tackle online child abuse.

He has called upon these companies to take more action or face greater legislation to force them to take action.

Javid also stated that some companies were not taking online abuse seriously enough and highlighted the live streaming of abuse as a growing problem.

He stated that tackling this type of abuse was his personal mission, whilst also adding praise for the tech companies who have worked to tackle terrorism.

‘I want to see the same level of commitment from these companies and others for child sexual exploitation’.

Microsoft, Facebook and Google have all reaffirmed their commitment to tackling this problem but have not announced any steps that they will be taking.

The Home Secretary stopped short of announcing what legislation may be introduced but expressed his desire for tech companies to work more closely with law enforcement agencies.

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