Tuesday, 11 March 2025 – 02:31

Public urged to donate £5 to One Million Claps appeal while clapping for NHS and key workers

It is expected that people throughout the UK will once again participate in the ‘Clap for Carers’ campaign this Thursday evening.

For the last two weeks, people throughout the UK have been standing in gardens, on their doorsteps and leaning out of windows at 8pm on Thursday to join in a national round of applause for NHS staff and key workers playing their part during the Coronavirus pandemic.

This Thursday, NHS Charities Together is asking people to text ‘clap’ to 70507 to donate £5 to support the NHS and Coronavirus response during these difficult times. Money donated to the ‘One Million Claps’ appeal will help fund food deliveries, kits and travel costs.

Ellie Orton, chief executive of NHS Charities Together, which supports NHS charities in England, Scotland and Wales said;

“Like everyone else, I’ve been incredibly moved by the millions of us showing our public support for our health service over the last two Thursday evenings,”

“I really hope One Million Claps inspires those who can to give a donation that will make a real difference to the amazing staff and volunteers who are daily saving lives and battling against this horribly virus on our behalf,”

Some celebrities have got behind the appeal, with David Walliams voicing a short film which has been produced to promote the campaign. Stephen Fry has also shared the appeal on social media.

Organisers are hoping that over 1 million people will donate to the appeal.

The NHS Charites Together COVID-19 Urgent Appeal has so far raised over £25 million, according to the appeal’s Virgin Money giving page.

A new website has been set up where people can share thank you messages for the NHS and give virtual claps – so far over 297,000 virtual claps have been completed.

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