Monday, 10 March 2025 – 14:03

Poll reveals: Young People lose trust in Politicians

There it is in black and white: Young people have lost their trust in politicians in the United Kingdom. A poll held by the Populous Data Solution has surveyed 4000 youngsters to give an insight on their concerns. Here are the results:

A recent survey by the Populous Data Solutions (PDS) showed heightened anxiety over Brexit and financial worries in the United Kingdom – causing the loss of faith in British politicians amongst young people.

Cited by 42% of the 4000 people surveyed, the most common concerns are financial worries followed by 38% of respondents feeling the potential effect of the UK leaving the EU in 2019.

2000 surveyees said that they have lost confidence in the MPs and trusted them less than 12 months ago.

37% said that their monthly income is not enough to live on, with 83% keen to see Britain’s minimum wage for apprentices increased from £3.70 and 80% approving the national living wage being stretched to include people under 25.

Another promoted policy would be the abolition of zero-hours contracts to which more than 50% voted in favour of scrapping them.

The survey by PDS was assigned by the Young Women’s Trust (YWT) which supports young women on low or no pay.

The YWT’s Chief Executive restated the survey’s results by saying: “Young people are saying they feel ignored by politicians. MPs need to step up, start listening to them and provide them with hope for the future.”

“As well as improving young people’s job opportunities and ending the discrimination that sees under-25s paid less than their older counterparts for the same work, YWT is calling for MPs to hold events with young women in their constituencies to listen to their views.”

The disappointment with politicians is particularly felt in northern parts of the UK where 58% feel ignored in the North West and 57% in the North East.

The results come albeit the highest turnout among young people at last year’s general election since 25 years, with 54% of 18 to 24-year-olds going to the polls.

As Labour’s leader Jeremy Corbyn presented ambitious plans – such as the abolishment of university tuition – aiming to secure the youth vote, his party counted record numbers by those mentioned above 18 to 24-year olds.

Yet, most importantly,  the survey highlights that not only the young but also the baby boomer generation has been less impressed by the performances of the elected politicians.

In another poll of 1000 people, 65% of 54 to 72 years-olds stated that they have been losing confidence in politicians over the past 12 months.

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