Wednesday, 12 March 2025 – 19:36

Nine-year-old with cerebral palsy raises over £50,000 after being inspired by Colonel Tom Moore

Colonel Tom Moore has recently inspired many of us to raise money for the NHS and care sector, including nine-year-old Ethan Beardow.

Nine-year-old Ethan has cerebral palsy but that didn’t stop him organising a charity walk to follow in the footsteps of his inspiration, Colonel Tom Moore, to raise money for care workers in need.

Ethan is a non-walker but using a walking aid is bravely tackling 100 laps of a 25m course, a gruelling and painful challenge for Ethan but one that means so much to him because his goal is to complete it before his 10th birthday on the 18th of May.

His efforts have already surpassed expectations – a £15,000 target on his Just Giving page has been smashed, and he has currently raised over £50,000, a donation that broke The Care Workers’ Charity target of £1m.

Called the funeral walk, Ethan specifically wanted funds to go to care workers who could not afford the funeral costs of those loved ones they have lost due to coronavirus, an experience his family has recently been through. Ethan said;

“I am 9 years of age and I really would like people to help in helping to raise money for the victims of COVID-19 to pay for the funeral costs as it’s a big expense and quite a lot of their family members are not working at the moment so they can’t afford to pay the full costs. I was inspired by Tom Moore so I would like to try and raise £15,000 if possible by doing 100 25m laps before my 10th birthday on the 18th of May this is really going to be a challenge for me as I am a non-walker.” 

Karolina Gerlich, Executive Director of The Care Workers’ Charity said;

“To think only a couple of weeks ago demand for our grants were surpassing our donations! Ethan is a star, for someone so young to have the conviction and motivation and belief in himself to achieve this is astonishing. Ethan is an inspiration to all of us and we really cannot thank him enough, we know how hard it was for him, but his work will help those care workers who need money to pay for the funeral costs of loved ones lost to coronavirus. We are forever grateful, thank you Ethan.”

Overwhelmed by the sheer demand for grants, the charity has now raised its target to 2 million. Having already issued over a thousand grants to care workers self-isolating, funds will run-out if more is not raised. 

The Care Workers’ Charity exists to create the support structures that people need whilst actively promoting the immense contribution that the UK’s care workers make to our society. The CWC vision is to create a UK where no care worker faces financial hardship alone.

There are almost 2 million care workers in the UK, contributing to one of the largest workforces. They spend their careers assisting others, but when circumstances change, sometimes it is the care workers who need help. 

Karolina added,

“Our care workers are some of the lowest paid workers in the country. Many who are self-isolating receive at best statutory sick pay, others none. Some are going into debt and others are going hungry, and all for doing the right thing. If you’re saving on your usual commute, your takeout coffee, and work lunches and can afford to, please consider making a donation. The UK’s care workers need you to help them get back on track and back to work.

You can help The Care Workers’ Charity be there for Care Workers in need by supporting them on JustGiving, or by donating directly through Ethan’s fundraising page.




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