Saturday, 15 March 2025 – 13:05

Nicola Sturgeon misled the Scottish Parliament

A majority of MSPs on the Alex Salmond committee into misconduct into the handling of sexual harassment and assault allegations against the former first minister have said that current Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon misled their inquiry.

It is understood MSPs on the committee voted by five to four that Ms Sturgeon gave them an inaccurate account; the verdict was not due until tomorrow but it appears as though the decision was leaked to the BBC.

Responding to the news, Nicola Sturgeon said she stood by all the evidence she gave to the committee earlier in the month, in which she claimed innocence. 

“What has been clear is that opposition members of this committee made their minds up before I uttered a single word of evidence. Their public comments have made that clear.

“So this very partisan leak tonight before they’ve actually finalised the report is not that surprising.”

“Let’s wait and see the final report, but more important the question of whether or not I breached the ministerial code is being considered independently by James Hamilton and I hope and expect he will publish that report soon.”

A spokesman for the committee said they were the report, and that they would not comment until it was published.

This comes just a day after Conservative MP, David Davis, used Parliamentary privilege to make statements to the House of Commons about a “concerted effort by senior members of the SNP to encourage complaints” against the former first minister.

The result of the committee decision will only intensify calls for the First Minister to resign, with the Scottish Conservatives leader, Douglas Ross, having repeatedly stated that she should stand down in light of allegations she misled Parliament.

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