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Sunday, 23 March 2025 – 10:16

Contributors Terms

Last Updated

21 December 2022

Contributors Terms

Members of the public may wish to submit content for publication by SpeakerPolitics Limited. In these terms, ‘content’ means any copyright work as set out in copyright legislation, such as data, images, videos, graphics and written pieces. When you submit any content to us, you agree to be bound to all of the following terms and conditions.

By submitting content to us for potential publication, you agree and represent that it is all your own work, or that you have authorisation of the owner of the content to submit it to us. You or the owner of the content will remain the owner of the copyright in the content submitted to us. By submitting content to us, you are though granting us an unconditional, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable, perpetual worldwide licence to store, use, publish or transmit your content in any format on any medium available to us either now or in the future. You agree that we may also authorise our partners, contacts or any third-party to use, publish or transmit your content in any format on any medium available either now or in the future.

We, or authorised parties reserve the right to publish, cut, crop, make additions to or edit your content at our or their sole discretion. We, or authorised parties may temporarily or permanently remove or restrict access to your content published by us or them. You acknowledge that while we or authorised third parties may make changes to your content, we and third parties are not obliged to review or edit the content you submit to us before publication. Therefore, you should check your content for any errors or other potential issues before submitting it to us. You agree that submitting content to us does not act as a guarantee of its publication by us or any third parties.

You acknowledge that any views expressed in your content do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of SpeakerPolitics Limitied and we may not endorse your content. Your content should not explicitly state or otherwise imply or suggest that we may endorse your content. We, and our authorised partners reserve the right to publish a disclaimer with submitted content to make clear it is neither written by or endorsed by us or them.

You acknowledge that when you contribute content to us that you are doing so at your own discretion. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing between our organisation and you, content you to submit to us will not be in exchange for any payment of any kind. We accept no liability in respect of any content submitted to us and published by us or authorised third parties.

You warrant that any content you submit to us is not threatening, may reasonably be deemed as offensive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, libellous, misleading, fraudulent, inciting violence or advocates illegal activity or contains parts which may be likely to be challenged by the law. You warrant that any content you submit to us does not infringe any intellectual, proprietary or privacy right of any individual, group or party.​

Any questions over these terms should be directed to