Wednesday, 12 March 2025 – 05:44

Potential no-confidence vote looms for the PM as more letters are announced

If just 48 conservative party members write up their concerns in her ability, Theresa May could face a leadership challenge within the next week.

With the turmoil of yesterday’s draft Brexit agreement announcement, the Prime Minister faced opposition from all sides and 4 government ministers resigned in protest.

Other politicians made public their concerns about her fitness to lead.

In spite of this, when Theresa May gave her press conference yesterday afternoon she stated her intention to see Brexit through, saying “Leadership is about taking the right decisions not the easy ones”.

She added to this:

“I think a good deal for the UK is a good deal for the EU.”


While the Prime Minister gave strong words at the press conference it appeared that she was not even leader of her party within the commons.

During the session of the House of Commons that day, Labour MP Chris Leslie said “We’ve been going for about an hour now. Not a single (MP) has supported the plans that the Prime Minister has set out.”

When Leslie asked for a show of hands from supporters of the PM among her backbenchers, none were raised.


The potential for a leadership challenge is obvious.

In order for the 1922 committee to trigger a leadership challenge of the Prime Minister, 48 letters need to be received by the chairman, which represents 15% of the party membership.

The chairman of the 1922 Committee is Sir Graham Brady MP.

At this stage though, it is not clear what number of MPs have submitted a letter.

According to the BBC, there are several that certainly have, both publicly and physically provided a letter questioning the Prime Ministers leadership.

Supporting this, Steve Baker MP said today that the formal leadership challenge is “pretty close” to the 48 letters it requires to launch.


If the requirements are met then a secret ballot will be held within the party on Theresa May’s leadership. If she wins this vote no further challenge can be made for a year.

However, if the Prime Minister loses, she will be ousted as leader and not allowed to run in the following leadership bid.

This would lead to a race for leadership of the Conservative Party and ultimately for leadership of the nation.


More developments to follow.

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