Wednesday, 12 March 2025 – 18:28

Is populism on the rise in the UK?

In a world of increasing globalisation, politics in the U.K. has undergone significant changes in recent years, particularly with regards to populism. In this blog we will delve into the power dynamics at play in U.K. politics and explore how the 2010 U.K. General Election television debates, together with the rise of populism and changes to media landscape have led to an increase in ‘presidentialisation’, the concept wherein a country is governed more like a presidential system rather than that of its traditional parliamentary model. We will then consider how these factors have contributed to major political events such as Brexit and examine any implications or ramifications thereof.

What is populism?

Populism is a political ideology which seeks to empower ordinary people and challenge the established powers. It draws on popular sentiments such as nationalism, protectionism and opposition to immigration or globalisation in order to mobilise support from the public. Populist parties often position themselves against traditional elites such as government institutions, media outlets and corporations that are seen to be out of touch with everyday citizens. In recent years, populism has become an increasingly influential force in many countries around the world – including the United Kingdom – where its rise has been accompanied by changes within Britain’s political landscape and media environment.

Is the U.K. being presidentialised?

The increasing influence of populism in the U.K. has been accompanied by a process known as ‘presidentialisation’ – the concept whereby a country is governed more like a presidential system than its traditional parliamentary model. This shift can be attributed to several key factors, such as changes to media landscape which have enabled populist leaders to bypass traditional outlets and communicate directly with their base via social media; the 2010 U.K. General Election television debates which saw candidates from different parties debate each other head-to-head on major issues and helped shape public opinion; and finally, an overall increase in populism which has given rise to charismatic political figures who are seen as representing ordinary citizens against established elites. As a result of these dynamics, British politics have become increasingly focused on individual personalities rather than party policies, leading some commentators to argue that it is being ‘presidentialised’.

The 2010 U.K. general election television debates

The 2010 U.K. General Election television debates saw a major shift in the political landscape of the United Kingdom. For the first time, leaders from three different parties – Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats – were able to debate each other directly on national television. This provided an unprecedented opportunity for public scrutiny and allowed smaller parties such as the Lib Dems to gain greater visibility within mainstream politics. The debates also helped bolster support for Nick Clegg’s leadership of the party by promoting his centrist message of openness and consensus-building which resonated with many voters. As a result, it was widely credited with helping to facilitate their rise in popularity during this period and set them up as a serious contender at future elections.

The rise of populism in the U.K. and the impact of social media

The rise of populism in the U.K. has been driven by a variety of factors, chief amongst them being the increasing influence of social media. The ability for populist leaders to communicate directly with their base via platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have enabled them to bypass traditional forms of media and craft messages tailored specifically towards their target audience. This has allowed populists to spread their message quickly and efficiently, leading to an increase in support from those who feel disenfranchised or marginalised by mainstream politics. Furthermore, social media has also provided a platform upon which new political movements can be formed and galvanise support through coordinated campaigns – something which was previously impossible before its emergence. This has enabled the rising popularity of various pressure groups up and down the country. In summary, the use of social media by populist leaders is having an undeniable impact on British politics today and is likely to continue shaping it well into the future.

The Brexit vote and presidentialisation of UK Politics

The Brexit vote in 2016 marked a key turning point in the political landscape of the United Kingdom. By voting to leave the European Union, British citizens demonstrated their dissatisfaction with established elites and a desire for greater autonomy from Brussels. This populist sentiment was further fuelled by Boris Johnson’s Leave campaign which appealed to nationalism and protectionism amongst voters who felt that their voices were not being heard or respected by traditional institutions such as government or media outlets. Moreover, it demonstrated how easily an individual leader can become identified with a movement – in this case, Brexit – and effectively use public opinion to shape policy outcomes.

The Brexit vote has also been seen as part of broader process of ‘presidentialisation’ within U.K. politics whereby individual politicians assume more authority over decision-making than is traditionally associated with parliamentary systems. This shift can be attributed to several factors including changes to the media environment which have enabled populist leaders like Johnson to communicate directly with their base; increased support for nationalist policies amongst many members of the public; and finally, an overall rise in populism which has given rise charismatic figures who are seen as representing ordinary citizens against established elites. As a result, British politics today is becoming increasingly focused around individual personalities rather than party policies – something which may well continue into future elections if current trends are maintained.


In conclusion, the political landscape of the United Kingdom has undergone a number of significant changes in recent years which have affected both its internal structures and external relations. The emergence of populism, combined with an increasingly presidentialised system where individual personalities take centre stage over party policies, is having a profound impact on British politics today and is likely to continue shaping it well into the future. If these trends persist, we can expect to see further shifts in how elections are fought and won as well as greater public scrutiny towards those who seek office. Ultimately, only time will tell what effect this new era will have on Britain’s future but one thing is certain: it promises to be an interesting journey ahead.

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