Monday, 10 March 2025 – 22:16

Cannabis use for medicinal purposes to be reviewed by UK government

The government is investigating the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, says home secretary Sajid Javid.

The government is to consider the issue of cannabis medical licenses which may be applied for through the Home Office. This will only be considered if they find that cannabis has medical benefits.

This issue came about recently due to high-profile cases of children with epilepsy who have been denied access to cannabis oil when they needed it to help with their severe seizures.

Home secretary Sajid Javid has raised this issue in Parliament but has stated that it will continue to be banned for recreational use.

The review will be carried out and tested through experts who will consider the medical benefits of cannabis and use it as evidence if needed for government advisors to suggest products which can me used for medical purposes.

 The case of Billy Caldwell, whose mother is Charlotte Caldwell, has escalated due to his mother’s campaigning on the issue. Billy had been using cannabis oil to treat his severe epilepsy which was confiscated by Heathrow airport recently which is when his mother demanded a change in the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Mr Javid spoke to he House of Commons and said:

 “It has become clear to me since becoming home secretary that the position we find ourselves in currently is not satisfactory. It is not satisfactory for the parent, it’s not satisfactory for the doctors and it’s not satisfactory for me.”

The review of evidence for the medicinal benefits of cannabis will be carried out by chief medical officer, professor Dame Sally Davies. Following this, the satisfactory products will be selected from the wide range of cannabis-based medicines.

Mr Javid also stated:

“We have seen in recent months that there is a pressing need to allow those who might benefit from cannabis-based products to access them.”

On Tuesday, the home secretary has authorised another epilepsy victim, six-year-old Alfie Dingley, a licence to use cannabis oil.

In addition to this, the home secretary also granted a 20-day licence for twelve-year-old Billy Caldwell to be able to use Cannabis oil which his mother had brought from Canada.

Members of the house of commons have said that it is about time the government intervened in the medical use of cannabis. And ex-Tory leader William Hague stated that it was the time now for the government to take “bold” action on the recreational use of cannabis in the UK.

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