Lord Sheikh, a Conservative peer has been accused of anti-Semitism for attending the same Palestinian rights conference as Jeremy Corbyn. Lord Sheikh has stated that he feels that the accusations were motivated by the party’s disagreement with his views and criticisms on Boris Johnson and that they were motivated by Islamophobia. This conference that he attended in 2014 was held in Tunisia.
Omarosa releases another Trump tape. This latest recording reveals a phone call between Omarosa Manigault-Newman and Donald Trump Jr’s wife Lara, in which Lara offers Omarosa a $180,000 per year job. In the recording, Lara Trump is revealed to say this would be in exchange for Omarosa being ‘positive’ about Trump and has been described as ‘hush money’ by Omarosa.
Margaret Hodge has received fierce criticism for describing a ‘fine line’ between being pro-Palestinian and being anti-Semitic. Many are critical of Hodge for ‘throwing Palestinians under the bus’ in an attempt to tackle anti-Semitism. Hodge also described the ‘cult of Corbynism’ and how she fears it allows attitudes of anti-Semitism to develop.
And in other news,
Justin Bieber has a new baby sister. The singers’ father and his wife Chelsey have welcomed their first child together. The new-born girl is called Bay Bieber and received plenty of media attention since being born. Justin had teased his fans earlier in the day by writing ‘going to have a baby’ on Twitter before later revealing the birth of his sister.
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