Monday, 10 March 2025 – 04:02

Boris Johnson reveals ‘six point’ Brexit plan

Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson has created his own plan “for a better BBrexit” and deemed the Prime Minister’s plan “a moral and intellectual humiliation”.

He published a 4500 word article in the Daily Telegraph which consisted of his ideas. He argued for a free trade deal for the sake of the people.

His six point plan is based on Canada’s agreement with the EU, EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

The CETA agreement between Canada and the EU allows for their being able to possess improved terms despite the fact that they are not a member. This means that Canada does not pay a fee for the EU’s budget nor does it have to deal with ECJ laws.

Johnson wrote:

“Overall, the Chequers proposals represent the intellectual error of believing that we can be half-in, half-out: that it is somehow safer and easier for large parts of our national life to remain governed by the EU even though we are no longer in the EU.

They are in that sense a democratic disaster. 

There is nothing safe or ‘pragmatic’ in being bound by rules over which we have no say, interpreted by a federalist court.

The Chequers proposals are the worst of both worlds. They are a moral and intellectual humiliation for this country. It is almost incredible that after two years this should be the opening bid of the British government.”

Additionally, he argued for a new agreement which would allow for the Irish border issue to be solved once and for all for future trade agreements.

Johnson’s “SuperCanada” proposal also outlined that most tariffs on both imports and exports would be eliminated which would in turn, increase business opportunities for companies as movement between different countries would be made easier.

“This is the time to get it right. This is the approach that allows this country really to exploit the opportunities of Brexit, to diverge and legislate effectively for the new technologies and businesses in which the UK has such a lead.
This is an opportunity for the UK to become more dynamic and more successful, and we should not be shy of saying that – and we should recognise that it is exactly this potential our EU partners seek to constrain,” wrote Johnson.

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