Wednesday, 15 January 2025 – 11:38

Comms team member in brutal resignation on MP’s own Twitter account

A member of Jared O’Mara’s communications team appears to have publicly resigned and attacked Mr O’Mara – using the MP’s own Twitter account…

The Sheffield Hallam Independent MP appears to have had his account used by the resigning member of his Comms team, who is named in one of the tweets posted as Gareth Arnold. 

One of the series of tweets reads “Jared, you are the most disgustingly morally bankrupt person I have ever had the displeasure of working with. You do not care about your constituents. You do not care about anyone but yourself.”


The series of tweets was followed by a mic drop gif. 

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Mr O’Mara’s Twitter account seems rather curious in general. In recent days, the following tweets have been posted;

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Cabinet ministers have been resigning ahead of Boris Johnson moving into Downing Street on Thursday. Many of these have resigned on Twitter, though no resignations quite match this one.


UPDATE: Mr O’Mara has released a statement regarding his mental health, which can be found here.

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