Wednesday, 12 March 2025 – 12:26

Angela Merkel to step down as German chancellor in 2021

64 years old Angela Merkel has been hailed as the most powerful women of the world. She will not seek another term as chancellor of Germany in 2021. Her fourth term will be her last.

Conservative Christian Democrat Chancellor since 2005, Angela Merkel claimed her people gives her a “clear signal that things can’t go on as they are” after catastrophic elections in two local states, Hesse and Bavaria. She added she will quit politics after the end of her term.

Germany has still in mind her choice of letting borders opened for 900 000 asylum seekers during Europe’s migrant crisis. This undoubtedly helped the rise of the far-right in the country (AfD party).

Re-elected last September by the Bundestag (parliament where deputies are elected for 4 years to vote laws), she troubled during six months to form a coalition allowing her to get a government. Called ‘grosse koalition’, this government, running till 2013, is shared between the union of the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CDU-CSU) and the social democrats (SPD).

Who will replace her? As a chancellor, we cannot say. Regarding her party’s presidency (CDU) she owns for 18 years, 6 candidates are possible. Their political visions are really different from Merkel’s. They could totally change the way we see politics in Germany. One of them is against immigration. Another one is pro-euro. We will need to wait until December CDU’s election to see who will replace her, and who is going to save the party.

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