UK Prime Minister Theresa May has been warned by MPs that she has 72 hours to save her job.
The PM faces more pressure as the new week begins after a failed Brexit summit in Brussels. MPs who are frustrated with Mrs May and her negotiating of Brexit have warned that they may oust her in a no-confidence vote.
Wednesday evening will see a meeting of the Conservatives 1922 committee of backbenchers. Should 48 MPs put in letters of no confidence to the committee, the party will be plunged into a leadership contest.
While Mrs May may agree a deal with Brussels, she also needs to get it through Parliament. This message from the Labour Party has added extra pressure to the Prime Minister.
Some cabinet ministers have spoken out saying that the PM’s critics need to “play for the team”. Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab told MPs “We need to hold our nerve. The end is in sight in terms of a good deal, the prize we want”.
Meanwhile, former Brexit secretary, David Davis told The Mail on Sunday that Mrs May had managed to anger ” not just Leavers but ardent remained as well”.
As we enter a new week, MPs are warning that Theresa May could be entering her last as PM. Do you agree? Comment your thoughts.